Frequently Asked Questions
Online therapy can be effective when it is the right fit. Reach out and let’s consult to answer your questions.
A secure link will be sent via email for you to log into each session. Much of the time in our first session is spent getting to know you and reviewing your intake forms while covering basic information about therapy. I will ask for your feedback on how the session felt for you and if you would like anything to be different . This feedback is important so that you get the most out of participating in therapy.
In most sessions I will encourage you to summarize your take away and what you would like to notice until our next session. Participating in therapy allows you to have the space to increase understanding and find ways to manage what is keeping you stuck. Intentionally taking time in between sessions to practice skills and reflect on your take aways will most likely bring you to the results you desire.
The length of time someone participates in therapy will depend on individual goals and needs. Skills learned in therapy are just like other life skills, frequent practice and monitoring for understanding often yield the desired results. We will work together to determine a flow that feels like the right fit for your needs and make adjustments as needed.
Fees are $130 per 53 minutes session.
I am able to bill Premera and Lifewise insurance.
A receipt (superbill) can be provided for you to submit for possible reimbursement from your insurance.Contact your insurance to find out if your benefits include possible reimbursement.